Discover the secrets of Murano Island

What to do in Murano, the island of Italian glassmaking Near Venice, Murano is full of buildings, workshops and churches testifying to its past linked to the glass industry. It's...
Qu'est-ce qu'un miroir de Murano ?

What is a Murano mirror?

A Murano mirror is the assurance of having a unique, exceptional piece handcrafted according to the rules of the art. Classic, baroque, design, tailor-made is the basis of the work of Murano and Milodina.
Nettoyage - restauration - installation - électrification de vos luminaires ou miroirs

Cleaning - restoration - installation - electrification of your lights or mirrors

Thanks to many years of practice and experience, we know how to intervene on sites of all sizes and adapt our expertise to each one with the same rigor of...
Les luminaires en verre de Murano, vous connaissez ?

Murano glass lights, do you know?

Did you know ? Murano glass lights have been our core business for over 20 years! An interior designer by training, Michèle Richer has worked for more than 20 years...